Monday, May 30, 2011


Thought I´d share a little process. This is not a rule by any means, but one of many possible approaches :)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Fallout 2 Character

Rimlights are addictive.... ;)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Moar Lifedrawings :D

Life! :D
Think I made some progress. My habit of rounding everything out was slightly diminished. I want to work on better nailing the proper proportions, and volume of the shapes. I have a tendency to elongate, shorten, inflate and deflate forms. Also, I failed at storytelling, focusing more on construction. l'll remember that next time.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I attend lifedrawing every week. It´s in another town, so I take the train. It´s always worth it though, the best training, and the best way of smashing the ego.

Take Care!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

SpaceGun 3000

I designed another enemy & updated the design a little bit for the hero. His name is now "Colt Justice".

I also wanted to share some music, a song by Pat Metheny. When I was back in highschool this guy was my biggest hero. I wanted to grow up and play as well as he does. Well, in the end, I decided not to focus on music, politics or golf, which were my primary career paths, but went with drawing =D. I hope to begin playing golf again some day though. We´ll see.

These quick thumbs are fun to do, and really let´s you try things out fast :)


Metropole Orchestra & Pat Metheny - So May A... by kamatrikero

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Gatling Junior

My workpal Viktor dropped the name Gatling Junior... I had to draw him =) And this post comes with quick design thumbs too! =D

Take Care!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Finally got around to drawing her from different angles, cementing the design.


Design for a friend! =D